Usage of drugs amongst teenagers and adults has been on a steady rise in the new millennium. Many people have easy access to drugs, and therefore, there seems to be a sharp increase in the number of people abusing drugs early on in life.
Although many rules and laws are in place, there seems to be very little change in the circulation of illicit drugs. Acquiring the right treatment at the earliest is the only solution for recovering from addiction.
Approaching a counselor for drug addiction can help greatly in acquiring a perspective on the abuse of drugs by the patient and working towards becoming sober in the most effective manner.
Without the proper approach, the withdrawal symptoms of drugs can be extremely high and difficult to cope with. With proper guidance from the counselor for drug addiction, a patient can navigate through the rollercoaster of emotions and feelings that comes with recovering from addiction.
Drug Abuse – Introduction
Many students, either in high school or college, fall prey to using drugs as simple as cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, etc. As these are mostly viewed as gateway drugs, many people transition into more intensive use of drugs such as Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, LSD, etc.
Most of these drugs are classified as Psychedelic drugs as they cause severe impact on the brain and the nervous system and cause hallucinations and delusions. Constant abuse of such drugs can permanently damage the functions of these important organs in the body and impair normal behavior.
Other drugs such as alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine, and heroin alter the levels of adrenaline and other hormones in the body. Constant exposure to such drugs can cause severe surges and crashes of hormones, affecting bodily functions due to varying metabolism levels before, during, and after the drugs.
It directly affects the heart rate, blood oxygen level, liver functions, kidney functions, etc. Drug abuse can leave the body extremely vulnerable to many kinds of malfunctions and issues. This is why taking steps towards recovering from drug addiction is of paramount importance either by the patient themself or with the interference of family and friends of the patient.
Symptoms of Drug Abuse
One must be aware of the symptoms of drug addiction and therefore know when to intervene so that the patient can seek deaddiction treatment immediately. Below are some of the common symptoms:
- Anger and frustration
- Moody behavior
- Secretive behavior
- Being aggressive about their personal space
- Always tired and drowsy
- Redness of the eye and sulking skin
- Not interested in affairs of family and friends
- Constantly changing social circle
- Poor performance at school/work
- Not interested in things they once were passionate about
Treatment for Drug Addiction
Seeking treatment for drug addiction is very important and, most importantly, through the right means. Medical and professional interference can help complete detox and recovery and offer many tools such as Therapies, Group Counselling, Individual counseling, etc.
A counselor for drug addiction can offer a lot of assistance by providing the right tools to combat addiction and the withdrawal symptoms once the use stops. They can also offer to hold sessions from time to time so that the patient does not relapse into the habit. This is why seeking professional assistance is more fruitful than other means.

Abdul Qadeer is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website, or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development, etc.