If you have a retirement account, are you aware which companies and causes you’re invested in? Even though you may not be directly investing in political causes, you may be investing your money with companies that support specific candidates, political movements, or cultural ideologies. In fact, the majority of investment porfolios fund companies that could indirectly align you with abortion, pornography, and more.
However, this doesn’t mean you should give up and stop investing. It simply means you should be careful and diligent with your investments.
You can also consider working with companies that offer biblical financial planning services for people of faith. When you seek advice from faith-based advisors, you can be assured that they share similar values, promote generosity, and will help you align your values with your investments.
With the proper guidance and support, you can invest your money and secure your future in a way that honors God and promotes healthy stewardship.
Here are five key biblical principles about faith-based financial planning:
1. God is the source
God is the source of all good things.
You will find this principle expressed in Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 8:20–21, and 2 Corinthians 9:8. These three verses explain that only God can provide for our needs and answer prayer. When you seek God’s will for everything you need in life, he will lead you on the righteous path and provide for all of your needs.
2. Giving is essential
As Christinas, we must put God first in everything we do. Thankfully, there are many ways to put God first in our lives.
First, one must spend some time in silence to connect with God. That means canceling or ignoring anything that could distract you from reading the Word of God.
Second, as per Proverbs 3:9, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops”. We must honor God with our resources. Then he will increase the fruits of our labors. According to this verse, we should be setting aside part of our time and income and devote them wholly to the Lord.
3. Living without indulgence
According to Ephesians 2:3, “Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.”
This principle means that we should live life without indulging excessively in any one physical, emotional, or financial thing. When we practice discipline and strive to please God by not indulging in our flesh, we’re able to grow, our relationship with God and continue learning from his goodness.
4. The Bible promotes saving
Biblical financial principles teach setting money aside for emergencies through mindful and righteous savings. As per Proverbs 21:20, a foolish person will spend all he/she has, but a wise person saves: “Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man’s dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.”
Moreover, Proverbs 22:3 emphasizes that a diligent man can foresee trouble and save himself from it.
5. Do not fall into debt
From a financial advice perspective, a man or woman can prepare for emergencies by saving money for the future. Proverb 22:7 teaches that those who incur debt lose their freedom. We should be careful to avoid taking out debt just to fulfill worldly desires.
These biblical principles should be incorporated into your financial planning strategies. A great way to start is through biblical financial planning, which can help you invest money in a way that supports biblically ethical funds and promotes faithful stewardship.

Abdul Qadeer is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website, or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development, etc.