How To Break Your Smartphone Addiction: 5 Ways To Reclaim Your Life

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How To Break Your Smartphone Addiction

Smartphones are great tools for staying in touch and organizing your life. But if you’re spending too much time with these gadgets, chances are that they’re making your life messier instead of easier. We have tips on how to break your smartphone addiction so you can get back to enjoying life without giving up on technology.

1. Track your smartphone time

It’s important to track how often you check your phone because it can be very easy to spend too much time on your phone without even realizing you’re doing it. Use an app like Moment to track your phone time and set a reminder to check your phone less. Are you addicted to scrolling through social media and newsfeeds? Don’t let technology ruin your emotional equilibrium. It’s easy to get into a rut with social media, so find something else to keep your mind entertained and give yourself something to look forward to. You can look for something new on a new app like Fantastical or look back at old ones to become addicted to something that has no future.

Don’t let technology control your life, even if it’s something you absolutely love to do. Instead of trying to take care of your retirement savings in your golden years, position your money in a way that will give you more control over your retirement. Fund your retirement in a way that provides you significant lifetime income and flexibility.

This goes hand in hand with the last point. If technology can offer you benefits, opportunities, and security, use it. But don’t prefer it to a healthier, richer, or more fulfilling life.

Let’s be brutally honest with ourselves. Technology is expensive. So are smartphones and computers. According to a second report published by the Ponemon Institute (2020), the average American household spends about $1,300 per year on smartphones, about $120 per year on average for a laptop, about $240 per year on computers, and about $700 per year on tablet purchases. These numbers only count for phone and computer costs, not internet or cloud costs.

Removing these costs can be challenging, but it’s possible.

We live in a world where many of the apps we use are free. Some of these free apps are full of hidden or unneeded functions that might come in handy someday. Take note of any apps that provide value that is free.

2. Switch to a flip phone

“One of the easiest things you can do to slow down the pace of your life is to switch to a simple flip phone. It doesn’t have to be a flip phone, it can be a regular phone.”

Thank goodness you asked. I have a suggestion for everyone who is interested in lightening up their lives by cutting down on cellphone use, but without giving up on technology. A flip phone is a great tool that you can purchase for less than $20, preferably a metal one, that allows you to dial directly without using an app, similar to a smartphone without a camera or much else. You can connect the phone to a signal light or to a lamp and stay in touch with whoever you need to (or who has a connection and can’t get a signal). The drawback with a flip phone is that you don’t have any apps or contact lists with you. As far as your phone is concerned, you’ve stopped using technology.

That being said, I have already considered buying my first flip phone as a replacement. I don’t know where to start because I’ve been using my smartphone too much, and I’ve hit a bit of a breaking point with it. I’ve had bad days in which I couldn’t concentrate at all on working so deep into the night. The day-night cycle has become a recurring nightmare and every once in a while I’d wonder whether the phone was still on at my desk because there’s no way in hell I’d be able to look at it while sitting at my desk.

I’m sure there are others, flip phones are inexpensive, and there are thousands available worldwide. Yet, there would be no point analyzing my flip phone addiction simply for the sake of the article. Sure, a flip phone can help you slink off whenever you find a distraction, but there are also other ways to break your connection with your phone.

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3. Limit your time on the Internet and social media sites

There’s a big difference between productive and unproductive time spent on the internet and social media. When you’re on the computer, make sure you’re being productive, such as working on a blog post or checking email.Log out of social media when you’re done using it so your brain doesn’t continue to keep you on a screen.

Research shows if you try and go online every few hours, you’ll burn between 14% and 43% of your brain’s resources. It’s best to limit portions of time where you’re constantly on your phone.

Apps are all around us, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Strava. There’s a good chance you’re currently stuck on an app like Instagram or Facebook, which is okay. Technology is meant to be used in moderation. If you find yourself stuck with too much to do, I recommend you try and pick something that has a shorter lifespan.

Everyone’s life is different, so try and stick with strategies that you’ve tried before. If you notice yourself having the same old problems every day, it’s likely worth trying something new.

Playing board games is a great way to socialize and get some serious relaxation. But playing board games with your device is risky, so be sure to read user reviews to make sure you’re loving the experience.

Reading on your phone can be distracting, but reading online is much better. That’s because you’re not stuck looking at a screen for long periods of time. When you stay on a computer for long periods of time, it’s easier to get into a bad habit, like watching mindless YouTube videos, scrolling social media, or finishing up a lengthy email.

Once you have a battle plan for how much screen time you can handle in a day, set yourself a limit. For instance, you can limit yourself to two hours on Twitter or Instagram each day, or one hour on Facebook and three hours on your phone.

4. Get rid of your smartphone and get a dumb one instead

If you’re looking to disconnect from your phone, then you should try using a dumb phone. These are phones that do not have internet access, apps, or games. The only thing they can do is make calls and send texts. This is a great way to completely disconnect from your phone and the internet.

How to get a dumbphone?

If you’re seriously committed to getting off your phone, but you don’t have much free time, you should look into deleting apps from your phone. While this might completely eliminate some apps from your phone, it can cause other problems. Apps can even steal your time and money. Deleting apps will also free up your battery life, but you might start to run out of battery faster. Some apps could even stop working completely if you delete them.

Before downloading any new app, you should first check to see if it’s safe and safe for you to install it. You don’t want to accidentally install harmful apps and add value to the world. While Apple does its best to edit its store for safety reasons, there might be apps hiding in the dark.

How to get rid of apps?

Blocking specific apps or time blocks are good hacks to give yourself time to get off your phone. Whenever you have time, you can take out your phone and reinstall the apps that you love.

If you end up using social media apps or watching YouTube on your phone too much, you should look into removing these platforms. South Korean scientists have found that people who delete Facebook are less and less likely to delete it or go back on the platform. According to them, the more a person uses Facebook or Instagram, the less likely they are to delete them.

If you go back on social media and want to stop, you’ll probably feel a little guilty and regret consuming a little too much. This is a great way to give yourself a small reward for doing the right thing.

5. Use Internet filters and parental controls for smartphones

Filters and parental controls are crucial for keeping your children safe online and off. Even if you have your own smartphone, it’s best to put parental controls on your children’s devices as well. One of the best things you can do for your children is to educate them on how to be safe online.

Flash, cookies, JavaScript, and other on-page add-ons can make your life a lot harder, especially if you have a small business. For example, if you have a real estate website, it’s important to know how to tell the search engines what content goes on the page. Instead of just leaving comments, use social media to share and build a community.

In some cases, replacing all websites with HTML is the right move. Although developing HTML websites is totally legitimate, remember that it’s easier for malicious code to attack your site than to keep up with changes over time. When you have a feeling a website is being attacked, don’t hesitate to remove it.

Final Words

Finally, don’t be afraid to be out of the office. Agencies, home offices, or conference centers can be good options for some people. You never know when you might be needed for an emergency, and alternatives don’t have to be expensive.

If you sign up for an email list, you could be handing over information to marketers 24/7. Make your inbox efficient by filtering emails that are important from junk, spam, or time-wasters.

Every day, people build and share websites on social media. It can be easy to accidentally contribute to a website that has connotations you wouldn’t like. Most of the time, a blogger will address privacy issues or complaints about a website if they have a bad attitude. If you do it yourself, be sure to disavow any content that’s similar to something you found elsewhere.

Highlighting important changes and updates is essential to stay on top of what’s going on in your real estate website. Nobody likes to be fed up with a website they don’t recognize.

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