6 Types of Videos a Company Should Use for Marketing

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Companies can improve their online communication by creating these videos and making very effective video marketing.

There are various examples of videos, but not all of them are suitable for a company’s video marketing. Choosing which types to produce and use is not so simple: it is, in fact, necessary to study in depth the target audience, the tone of the communication, as well as the means and the expertise that the same company can put in place. But why focus on videos? The answer is straightforward: they are one of the most effective contents for attracting users’ attention and ensuring the message reaches its destination.

However, the indispensable condition to be successful with this type of marketing communication is the technical quality of the video combined with good content. What does the video express? How does he talk about the company and the products? Does it do it in a genuinely engaging way? Does he say exciting things? These key questions must be answered before creating a compelling video.

Different types of videos are particularly effective for corporate communication in the form of video marketing. In the following points, we will consider 6 kinds of videos suitable for those who work in B2C and those who work purely in the B2B field.

1. Product or service presentation video

What better way to bring the customer to the product or service than to decide to show it to them? You can also opt for a short introduction to explain how it was conceived and then focus on the strengths and what distinguishes your company and its products or services compared to competitors. But above all, the benefits and advantages for the customer must be emphasized.

These most common videos require little inventiveness and are usually made very quickly. Just have a well-configured camera set, choose a person from the company (or possibly hire an external one specialized in product presentation) who is very telegenic and self-confident, and the video practically does itself. The only problem is that this type of video is usually the least stimulating, so limiting all your video production efforts to this genre alone can be inconvenient if you aim to engage web users and perhaps get direct interactions.

2. Video tutorial

The construction of a brand and a company also passes through a narrative that aims to acquire prestige in customers’ eyes, including potential ones. It is advisable to use this type of video to show and demonstrate that you are true experts in your field or to explain how to use the proposed product. For example, if you are an expert in graphics, you could publish videos in which you explain some more or less specialized features of your favorite programs. Someone might ask: but if I show which tools I use, I will not create competitors? This must not be a cause for concern: it is not the tools you use that will convince the customer, but how you use them in light of the experience you have gained and the bond you will have been able to create with the customer during the early stages.

This kind of video assumes some preliminary reflections: what strength, competence, and peculiarity do you want to highlight the company and its specialists? How can business competence be told in one or more videos? How to present yourself as an expert in the sector? How to show that the proposed product or service can satisfy certain user needs? If you give the correct answers, you can create significant videos that shed light on the value and experience of the company and its people, instilling trust and esteem in potential customers.

3. Testimonials and video reviews

Reviews are often a compelling persuasion and persuasion tool, but there is always the fear that they may be fakes. This doubt falls completely with a well-made video in which the customer himself speaks and puts his face to it. For example, you can set up the video as if it were an interview and focus on one testimonial at a time or create a choral video, perhaps mounting the opinions collected at the end of an event.

These videos leverage social proof (or social proof) and instill the feeling that the product or brand is enjoying widespread public appreciation. The only difficulty is finding the customers or testimonials available to be present in the video. A good way to convince customers is to offer coupons or gadgets to those who agree to issue positive opinions.

4. Case study videos

In some ways, it is a type of video similar to video reviews. Still, it differs slightly in that rather than focusing on personal experience. It is possible to make a broader speech and take the opportunity to trace the benefits and characteristics of the proposed product or service. Directly speaking of the use that the customer makes of it. But above all, you can show how it works or what it consists of in practice.

This kind of video marketing works best in B2B marketing. You can tell how client companies have used the product in their productions or how they benefited from developing their business better. In this context, it is also possible to introduce short interviews with client company managers, images, and footage of the product or service used in their company, etc. Usually, the company covered by the case study does not see this type of engagement badly because, in any case, it obtains a return of free visibility.

5. Webinar

Webinars don’t exactly embody the classic and canonical idea of ​​the video. As the word suggests, these are seminars and mini-courses organized online that can serve various purposes. You can decide to organize one to preview a product or service and decide whether to ask for a paid or free subscription. Webinars are performed live, like live streams, but can be recorded and subsequently edited to obtain a standalone video that can be republished online or used, for example, as a lead magnet for lead generation campaigns.

For this reason, webinars require somewhat different knowledge, preparation, and execution than other types of videos. Those who decide to use them in their corporate communication must first equip themselves with audio and video equipment suitable for the purpose and plan in advance both the interventions and the organization and use of the webinar itself.

6. Live video (live streaming)

Live video can be a great alternative to webinars and have the advantage of being able to reach audiences on the platform of their choice. So study the habits of your target, choose the most suitable platform and then have no qualms or second thoughts. Live broadcasts are appreciated, provide immediate and “direct” feedback, and can be used to convey various contents, from behind-the-scenes videos to a preview.

The mistake made in these video modes is not to perfectly prepare a plot of content to be proposed and to go off the cuff. The result is to create streams that go nowhere, verbose, without significant content, with the final effect of being unpleasant to the public, not winning interest, and in some cases even annoying or boring. Rules to follow for good live streaming:

  • Create a rigorous lineup of what you want to tell.
  • Do not make very long direct (never more than half an hour).
  • Set up the set well in order to appear professional.

These are the main examples of the types of videos a company should produce and use in their marketing communication, and what they all have in common is effectiveness. More examples can be found in this other article which features other ideas for successful marketing videos. The best tactic is to give free rein to creativity and act, obviously trying to avoid making mistakes in the conception and realization of the video. Equipment and software allow you to have noteworthy results on the market without necessarily allocating exorbitant budgets. Still, the real challenge is how to use them after producing them.

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