You could be someone that only does ‘run of the mill’ ordinary stuff in your free time, such as playing soccer and watching movies. On the other hand, you could decide to try something a bit stranger, just for the fun of it! You might find that your one-time experiment becomes a lifelong passion and you become the person at the party with the most interesting stories to tell about your free time. The list of weird hobbies is a long one, but below are a few which have a good following across the world due to their treasure finding properties.
Metal detecting
An easy activity when you have your metal detector in hand, and your spade in the other hand. Metal detectors have been around since 1881 when one was quickly created in an attempt to locate a fresh bullet in the wounded President James Garfield. Now, metal detecting is a popular activity for people all over the world, especially those looking to find hidden treasures and historic artefacts. Many ancient pieces have been successfully discovered because of the activities of these passionate enthusiasts. There are some rules when it comes to where you can do metal detecting though, and there is guidance available to steer you in how to ask for permission from landowners.
Gold panning
Finding gold can never be a bad thing to do! People across the globe have been searching for gold for centuries in various ways, but gold panning is known to be both a fun and rewarding activity. Whilst you may not have access to the nearest gold-filled river, you can still have fun with this. There is now a company called Irwin’s Paydirt that you can order a surprise bag of dirt from. This seems quite odd, but the idea is to take your bag of dirt down to the stream near you and pan it out there to see the authentic gold included in the pack. It could be a good way to see if you like the activity itself.
Geocaching is a modern type of treasure hunting that also offers a wonderful way to see your local area and get some exercise. The activity has a huge following but to many people in society, they are still completely unaware of the ‘treasure’ around them to be found. Using the Geocaching app, you can view countless hidden containers around your neighborhood and around the world. The activity is so popular that many people have become competitive in it and are ranked by their successes.
So, these hobbies have all been about discovering new treasure in one way or another, but there are a lot of other strange things to do in your spare time, such as taxidermy, sand art, or perhaps extreme ironing… If you open your mind to the possibilities, you are sure to at least have a funny afternoon, and a delightful story to tell your friends. Best case scenario, you might find your fortune!

Abdul Qadeer is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website, or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development, etc.