Understanding the Boundaries of Technology in Aspiring Human Lives for a Better Future

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With the realm of technology, we are achieving greater heights each day. If you know about the technical advancements happening globally we are spearheading into the future.

But is this development creating equal opportunities for all sections of people? Is it creative avenues for organic growth for the general, common people around the world?

There seems to be a divided view on this.

While the technology aspirants including some Millenials think that indeed the future is all about technology helping man to find new avenues for growth there is another group of people with a rather traditional mentality who think that technology does not have such a brighter future for all.

Looking far into the real one can sense that the development of disruptive technology and systems around the world has led to the development of only a certain group of people.

It can be seen that these people are generally entrepreneurs, large businessmen who have enough capital to try out their hands on new technology on improving their business needs.

But on the other side look at what has happened. If you want to delve into the real picture then this massive surge in the so-called digital world has led to a wider income gap, increased unemployment, and unrest all around the world.

Scope of technology in the future

There is no doubt that there is a huge scope for further improvement for technology in the future. We are not talking about the regular technology that we use every day. Rather look at the new upcoming technology and how it is shaping the future for our upcoming future generations.

With topics like machine learning, AI, blockchain, and data science it is not far till the day comes where our activities are all dependent on such technology. Each area that you can think of such as education, defense, medicine, healthcare is finding the use of technology. It can be said that using technology has made our lives simpler and much less redundant.

From checking out the weather for the next day to improving a 3-D demonstration model for your child’s project all is now possible using technology. What is far more convincing is the fact that all these futuristic technologies seem to be more accessible to our homes now. Just take a look you have got an Amazon Alexa AI at your home, smart lighting solutions, automated electric vehicles, and robot assistants to help you out in your daily activity. But is everything ending on a happier note?

Disruptive technology- disrupting ordinary people’s lives and livelihoods

While there is a brighter aspect of technology in the future there is a fag end and doing a reality check on our future will soon make you dismal. There is no doubt that with the rise in technology the manual work is getting reduced from all areas of lives but that is also reducing the scope of earning a livelihood for the common man.

Man is now being replaced by autonomous technology and machines. So where will all this rising population of the world find their livelihood from? To understand you will have to know that not all of us are relevant to the new technologies coming into your lives.

The reduction of mechanical work means that people are getting fired from their jobs. Not everyone is an entrepreneur by the mind. Not all of us are equally well equipped for the technology that man is replacing themselves by.

The social impact of the same has increased and continually increasing the harassment of unemployment and that is creating mental nuisances, resulting in stress and hence many uncanny diseases and disorders. On the other hand, in the elite class too, for the least works, they have to do physically, they are facing obesity, diabetes, and many other ailments and in some cases, they have to remain concentrated on the general activities with drugs like Fildena 100, Cenforce, and Vidalista.

If you go and check out any manufacturing industry involved in the production of any type of product you will see how technology is reducing our future aspects of earning a small and bare enough livelihood.

You will find that where the industry used to recruit hundreds of laborers now they are recruiting just a smaller percentage of that. Why? Because it seems that the hands made with flesh and bones now seem o be getting replaced by mechanical automotive bots.

The real reason why there is a huge gap between the rich and poor

It seems that somehow through bureaucratic and unethical means the rich and prosperous people have access to this technology. This means that they are learning far more and getting prepared in a better way for the future than we do.

The poor and mediocre class does not have access to funds and the right opportunities and sources to access this technology and this is why the gap is worsening with each passing generation.

What effects on the common man?

As we mentioned above that the rise of technology in every aspect is creating lesser and lesser avenues for one to get employed or do any form of manual work.

You will find that the society of ours today has a new type of unemployment that we did not think would happen before. And that is an educated society not having anything to do. There is a widespread increase of talents and educated youths who are still not able to earn jobs in any form of industry.

There is big unrest slowly and gradually but surely being created in our society. It seems that unless you can program something digital and technical or you don’t have a technical degree attached to your list of educational qualifications you are not qualified to earn a job.

This is where man is getting unrest and getting unwell on both physical and mental terms. This has led to a wide number of people around the world suffering from sexual disorders. This is leaving them with no other option other than to use medicines like Vidalista, Cenforce 100, and Fildena 100.

What is the future ahead and how should things stand?

We know that the future is digital and the use and the improvement of technology is in some ways influencing our minds and bodies in some way or the other.

But it is up to the business leaders, politicians, and government bodies around the world to understand that there is a limit to how technology can affect our everyday lives. Certainly, technology has some boundaries of its own and this needs to be defined and contained within so that all sections of society can thrive and have a better future.

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