When thinking about buying an air conditioner, there are several things you need to consider before making that purchase. When it comes to AC service in Surat, you cannot think of anyone other than the AC repair center and AC servicing company.
Buying the first air conditioner that looks good and reasonable for your budget can be a mistake because it may not cool as well as you expected or could use more energy than any savings it might have offered you. AC Repair in Surat has a team of experts who can handle any AC with ease. It may be split, ducted, or window AC. They provide their services all over surat.
The air conditioning unit is not the best option to save money. For this reason, every responsible person would like to know which type of air conditioner they should buy to minimize electricity bill costs. In this article, we hope that some helpful information will help you make an informed decision about choosing an air conditioner for your home. To better understand the tips that we will mention, you need to think of an air conditioner as a box with four main components: a condenser, a compressor, a fan, and a radiator.
The function of the condenser is similar to that of a car engine which cools down the air. The compressor is the part that works as a pump, pressurizing the refrigerant. This component pumps and compresses the fluid so it can reach very high pressures and temperatures. The fan is directly related to the condenser. This uses the hot air generated by the compressor to cool down your home or business establishment through evaporation. Finally, the role of the radiator is to dissipate or spread out the cold air within the room.
How to Choose an Air Conditioner?
Before buying an air conditioner, determine the size room you want to cool: this will help narrow down what BTU (British Thermal Units) rating you should be looking for, i.e5,000 BTUs per hour if cooling a 200 sq ft room; 9,000 BTUs per hour if cooling a 250 sq ft room. Atlas Aircon offers repairing, changing parts, and maintenance for all types of AC.
Suppose you only use the AC for cooling 24 hours a day in your home or office. In that case, you want to buy an air conditioner with a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) of 14 or more on central air conditioning units and 13 or more on window-mounted models. If you primarily use it for heating, look at the HSPF number instead.
Energy efficiency:
With higher fuel costs driving everyone’s energy bills up, now is the time to start looking for an air conditioner that meets your needs without AC rificing too much on efficiency. Look specifically at the EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio), which measures how well an air conditioner uses electricity to cool your home. The higher the number, the more efficient it is and, in turn, will save you money like Fujitsu air conditioning Airwaresales.
Energy cost:
Most people don’t think about how much they pay per kilowatt-hour for electricity. Still, electric companies do, and some states even offer incentives to use an air conditioner that is energy-star rated. If you are using one that isn’t, then look into buying one that fits these criteria to get the maximum savings.
Filter size:
If you have pets or allergies, consider getting a unit with filters that can be easily cleaned or changed without breaking the bank on expensive replACement filters later on.
When looking at air conditioners, the warranty is probably one of the first things you think of. A more extended warranty doesn’t guarantee a better air conditioner, so focus on the overall efficiency and maintenance costs to determine which unit offers you the best value in the long run.
For some people, this is a significant fACtor, so check out how much noise the eACh AC unit makes when it’s running before making your choice. This can be done by reading reviews online or asking friends who have already bought one that suits your needs.
Tips For Shopping for An Air Conditioner
AC service is a must for your AC. Here are some helpful tips on making sure you get the best deal possible when shopping for an air conditioner:
Look into Your Options
Maybe you’ve been looking at traditional window units, wondering if that’s the best option for you. It’s an easy on-and-off solution, of course, but they can be noisy and not very efficient; plus, more of them means more installation costs! Consider some other options:
- Ductless split system air conditioners: These systems don’t require any installation (outside of running the power and ventilation tubing), and they’re excellent at reducing humidity, too. You’ll pay a bit more upfront than you would for a window unit, but it’ll save money in the long run. A ductless split system also prevents energy loss because it doesn’t need to vent hot air as a traditional AC does.
- Central air conditioning: Our final option worth considering is a central air conditioning system. You’ll pay much more than you would for either of the other two options, but it also comes with the most benefits. Central ACs are great at cooling down your entire home quickly and efficiently; they’re just not well-suited to homes that don’t have the proper insulation in plACe, so they can wind up costing even more, depending on how many areas need cooling.
Look into Your Features
Some features are standard ACross all models, like timers that allow you to program your unit or even turn it off from the bed or the car when you forget. Other features vary from model to model, though any brand worth it’s salt should offer some similar convenience items:
- Remote controls: These come standard with most units, even the cheaper ones. They allow you to control your team from ACross the room, and you never have to get up!
- Energy-saving modes: If you want to go green and save a little green simultaneously, look for an air conditioner that has an energy-saving mode. This is typically something you can toggle by pushing a button; it’ll keep your house cool as efficiently as possible while also preventing those high bills we all dread eACh month.
Look into Your Warranty
A warranty speaks volumes about how a company feels about its product, especially when that warranty lasts five or more years! The best warranties offer excellent coverage for both parts and labor, so try to find an air conditioner with a contract that’ll cover the most expensive parts of your unit and all servicing costs.
Look into Your Budget
It goes without saying: you should never buy an air conditioner simply because it’s the cheapest one on the market. You want to make sure it’s also practical, easy-to-use, and long-lasting. Consider price as a fACtor when you’re researching all your options–don’t neglect other features that may seem pricey but wind up saving you money in the end!
Look into Your Needs
Finally, consider how much spACe you’re looking to cool down and use this information to determine which BTU is best for your needs. The BTU of an air conditioner is determined by its power, which means that some units are more suited to cooling larger areas while others will struggle to keep a smaller room cool. Make sure you’re looking at a suitable team for your spACe! We are one of the leading companies for providing AC service in Vadodara. All our technicians are well trained and qualified; hence there is no chance of any problem arising after Atlas Aircon installs the AC.