How Printing of Custom Bakery Boxes Effect on the Success of Bakery Outlets

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The bakery industry is a thriving and growing industry. People love their pastries, pies, and cakes, and the demand keeps increasing every year. Of all these, nothing beats a fresh bread loaf right out of the microwave. Bakeries distribute their products through Custom Bakery Boxes. The box serves as packaging for the product itself while protecting it from damage.

Use of Cardboard in Bakery Boxes Wholesale

Bakery Boxes Wholesale can be made out of cardboard or plastic. These boxes should accommodate all types of baked goods that come in various formats: 

  • Circular loaves
  • Long loaves
  • Rolls
  • Bagels
  • Flatbreads
  • Sandwich loaves
  • Coffee cake hunks/logs/rings/buns 
  • Etc. 

The increasing number of companies choosing to use these bakery boxes is no coincidence. The most obvious reason for using them is their protection for your product when stacked up in a display case or when in transit during distribution. 

For a business that provides its customers with baked goods, this factor alone makes it a wise investment to make. Not only does it protect your product better than other alternatives. You can add your logo on either sides! Imagine the power that only two words can have – “printed” and “logo.” That’s right! 

Not only are you adding value to what was otherwise just an ordinary box. You are creating an image for your bakery! This is where you can show off. You are unique and individual. Your baking methods differ from others in the area because you have a special touch, right? Your products are made with love.

Physical Protection

The other part of this equation is to ensure that the boxes physically protect the baked goods – not just paper-based packaging materials like recycled tissue papers or Kraft papers. 

These paper types will tear up easily, especially if they’re wet. Not only does using paper based packaging material embarrass your product by making it look substandard. Imagine if customers buy bread that’s soggy or drenched in rainwater. Do you think they’d come back more? The customer makes their final purchase decision within seconds of encountering your product.

Differentiate Your Product

The other reason why the bakery industry is moving towards using printed bakery boxes is to differentiate itself from the competition. Since there are so many bakeries today! The population consumed about 188 pounds of wheat flour per capita in 2002 (Cereal Foods World). 

This means that at least 188 pounds worth of cakes, pies, and pastries hit the market every year! And if you take into review all other types of baked goods, it’s pretty easy to see how much money is being made by this industry.

Through packaging, your company could be distinguished through its logo, brand name, or even through a picture. Customers tend to buy with their eyes rather than their noses sometimes. The increasing number of bakeries printing their packaging should indicate you to start printing your bakery boxes. If all these companies can do it, so can you.

Ask Yourself The Following Questions

The first question in people who are just starting with bakery boxes is how many choices they have when looking for printed ones. 

  1. Are there types of cardboard I could print on? 
  2. What type of flourishes can I use? 
  3. Will my logo look good? 
  4. How big should the box accommodate different styles and sizes of baked products I offer? 

These are some questions you might find yourself asking if you’re thinking about getting into this industry – but worry not! We’ll answer them today, one by one.

How to Start Designing for Printed Bakery Boxes

First of all, you need to know that different materials are used to make Printed Bakery Boxes. If you’re starting with this business, it’s best not to get too fancy. Just go with the cheapest cardboard that will get the job done. You can upgrade later on earning your profits! 

Also, these days most companies offer these bakery boxes for your products. They give customers a good view of what’s inside anyway. Depending on how much detailed work needs to be done on your product, you could also use frosted materials- or something meeting in between. When buying boxes, the next question is whether or not their logo will look good when imprinted on them. Everyone has a distinct view on what seems good and what doesn’t. 

The first step to finding out is to go online and print your logo on a box that you think would look good – or even better, have a printing company do the work for you! Just give them an image of your logo and any text you might want printing on there. They will tell you if it will suitably fit inside the confines of the bakery boxes they offer or not. They also give you their thoughts on whether it’s too cluttered.

After this discussion – which should be free because most printing companies need feedback from customers who are just starting – you’ll get an idea if your logo will fit nicely. Of course, if you don’t know what your logo looks like on this type of product – or even on paper. It’s best to go ahead and get it printed so you can get more information about how well it will look.

Consider Accurate Box Size

The last question people have when buying boxes is what size they should be. This is, thankfully, the easiest thing to find out. Most printing companies offer pre-determined sizes meant specifically for different types of baked goods! 

They come in 3 sizes, small, medium, and large. It depends on how many of these items you want to pack in there at once. However, if your cakes are very big, make sure not to order a medium box. These are usually meant for four bite cakes, like cupcakes.

Hire Professional Services

If this sounds like too much of a hassle for you, there’s no need to worry. When choosing their boxes, most printing companies will suggest the best size for your baked goods. Of course, if it makes more sense for you – or is less expensive – then they’ll probably allow you to make custom sizes as well!

Many other things can be done in Custom Bakery Boxes. This discussion provides only a view of what to do while printing your boxes. So, take advantage of all the profits by the baking industry!

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