Explore 10 of Our Favorite Virtual Event Technology Tools

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Explore 10 of Our Favorite Virtual Event Technology Tools

Virtual Events are a rage these days. From virtual trade shows to virtual exhibitions, virtual career fairs, to virtual conferences & virtual ceremonies, gatherings, weddings, etc. they are everywhere. But people in the marketing world know that quantity doesn’t always translate to quality. So what is it exactly that makes some virtual events stand out from the crowd?

Well, it is a combination of a lot of factors. Good planning, good execution, the choice of the right virtual event platform, a good agenda, good event flow, & the use of the latest, exciting event technology tools, all make a virtual event interesting enough to pique the interest of the audience.

But what are these exciting virtual event technology tools that we are talking about? Well, in this article, we’ll tell you the top 10 virtual event technology tools to integrate into your own virtual event to make it a resounding success.

Virtual Event Website

A Virtual Event website provides your attendees a sort of ‘home base for your virtual event, even before it has been live. Since virtual events lack the physical, intimate aspect of in-person events, they need to have an online platform where people can come together to discuss stuff about them & also to see any updates on the event schedule.

A well-designed, happening virtual event website is actually a great way to go about planning & hosting a successful virtual event, as it generates excitement & anticipation among your attendees.

Keep in mind that you add crucial details to your virtual event website like:

  • The date & time of your virtual event
  • The names of all the speakers/ special guests/emcees attending the event
  • Any special add-ons or features of the virtual event
  • How can attendees register themselves
  • Call to action buttons
  • Entrance fees, if any
  • The event agenda
  • The event flow
  • images/videos/other information about any previous events plus the upcoming event
  • Any additional information like prizes, games, goodies, email notifications, etc.

An informative & exciting virtual event website makes your attendees look forward to attending your virtual event, even before it has had the chance to be live.

Easy & streamlined registration process

Piggybacking on the point above, right after you have developed & launched a well-designed, interactive virtual event website, your next target should be to streamline the registration process.

In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that your registration process is what either warms your attendees towards your virtual event or puts them off. You can either integrate a seamless registration software right into your website or redirect your attendees to a separate registration interface via the event website.

Usually, a standard attendee registration process will consist of the following steps:

  • Attendee information like name, address, designation, email id, contact number, etc.
  • Booking type, like executive booking, general attendee booking, VIP booking, etc.
  • Payment gateway
  • Confirmation of attendance through email, text message, or any other way.

Try your best to make this entire process a sweet ride for your attendees, as doing so will help your attendees understand that you actually value their time & efforts.

Event apps

Since almost everybody likes to work & play from their smartphones these days, it makes sense for you to have an event app along with a virtual event website. Your event app, just like your event website, should be interactive, engaging, branded, & constantly updated with the latest information about your virtual event.

Moreover, you should also provide all the engagement & interaction, as well as networking opportunities they would have in the actual event, through the event app.

Allow options for live chats, polling, Q&As, 1:1 video conferencing, group discussion tables, business card exchanges, games, leaderboard, attendee directory, 360-degree view of the entire event, along with community building exercises like extended discussion forums, chat rooms, & other networking opportunities.

This will help you get the discussion going around your virtual event long after the event has gone live.

Live streaming features

We can’t stress enough the importance of live streaming your virtual event to a wider audience. It not only helps you reach a larger pool of attendees than the ones attending your event but also lets you have content to push after your event has already concluded.

Keep in mind that the quality of your live streams should be professional-level, to reel in audiences from other parts of the world to your virtual event. Anything less than that(like a shaky feed from a substandard camera or phone camera) has the potential to drive away any potential audience for your live stream.

You should live stream on popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin, Periscope, Twitch, Instagram(if it makes sense for your audience), your website, & your event app.

Good quality camera equipment & lighting

Like we mentioned above, your live streams should really look professional to attract an audience. You can easily do this by hiring a good & efficient, experienced videography team for your virtual event.

Expert videographers understand the kind of camera, lighting, & tripods needed to make a live stream appear studio-produced. Thus they can help you produce a high-quality live stream to intrigue & engage your target audience outside the boundaries of your virtual event.

A good, efficient, & interactive virtual event platform

This is really where everything just comes together in regards to your virtual event. Choosing the right virtual event platform is as important as planning your virtual event, selecting the right speakers, & the right date & time for it.

Keep in mind that the virtual event platform you choose has engaging features like live chat options, audience polls, Q&A options, networking table feature, AI matchmaking feature, business card exchange options, 1:1 networking options, group networking options, & gamification tools.

Also look at customization & branding options that allow you to design your event & customize it the way you want, keeping it in sync with your sponsors & marketing opportunities.

Your chosen virtual event platform should provide you with an easy-to-use & set up intuitive backend that helps you manage the various aspects of your virtual event with ease, & also gives you detailed, in-depth analytics of your event.

This information will help you understand the impact your virtual event had on your attendees, & also let you know the various areas that you need to improve for your next virtual event.

Face recognition technology

If your budget allows you to, invest in a reliable, effective, & interactive facial recognition technology software tool for your virtual/hybrid event.

Facial recognition technology helps your attendees gain attendance into the event without having to go through large security checks, or having to fill in login details that are quite easy to forget. You can embed the software straight into your event app, or the event website(through the use of your event attendees’ device cameras & webcams), with adequate permissions.

Face recognition technology not only helps your attendees get quicker admittance into your virtual or hybrid event, but it also helps you streamline the attendee management process & make it easier.

Virtual reality deployments

Virtual reality has been upending the tech world for quite some time now.

Its applications in the experiential events industry were long known to marketers, & the same can now be done for virtual & hybrid events as well.

Virtual Reality deployments like shared museum tours for attendees, 360-degree virtual reality tours of the event arena, the ability to play games with the other event attendees via VR headsets, etc. are all examples of fun, exciting, engaging, & interactive activities you can integrate into your virtual event.

Virtual reality deployments help your attendees feel connected & more in touch with other attendees & your event, allowing them to interact & network with them more freely & openly.

Not just that, they are also more likely to leave your virtual event satisfied with their experience, & may also attend your future virtual/hybrid events.

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