6 High Paying Freelance Writing Niches 2021

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6 High Paying Freelance Writing Niches 2021


Freelancing is a trending career option these days. Especially if you are a student or housewife, or just a person who wants a better work-life balance, then this career is for you. However, one of the most popular career directions that have flourished through freelancing is ‘Writing.’

Writing does not necessarily involve writing blogs/articles; instead, it contains several other positions related to Writing. You will be amazed to know that many of these jobs are high-paid ones.

So, if you want to know how many jobs are available in the Freelance writing niche, this article is tailored for you. Read till the end to get better insights.

How Prosperous are Freelance Writing Niches?

I hope you read this article because you are from the Freelance Writing stream and looking for well-paid career options. Basically, freelance writing niches are particular fields focusing on different kinds of content or topics.

So, a freelance writing niche chooses tasks primarily based on their skills, market opportunities, potential risks, and deadlines. However, if I speak about payment, it depends on all these factors to be very specific. For example, if a task has urgent requirements or a sharp deadline, he will get paid more.

So indeed, freelance writing jobs are pretty good in terms of money and flexibility. What’s the best thing about it beyond the payment? You can do the work from anywhere, any time, if the necessary tools are with you. Moreover, you can reject a particular client order if you are not ready to undertake its responsibility.

So can you see there are a myriad of advantages included other than the payment part?
Now let us move on to the most awaited part of the guide -the top 6 best-paid jobs in the freelance writing niches.

Top 6 Best-Paid Jobs in the Freelance Writing Niche

Let me tell you one unspoken fact about the freelance writing industry? In the beginning, you might face several hardships or struggles in terms of workflow, payment, or the client’s actions. But once you get settled firmly in your niche, nothing can stop you.

But payment is one of the most vital parts you have to take care of while deep-diving in freelance Writing. Some specialized positions pay you more than an organization does. What are those? Check out the section below without any further ado.

1. Digital Marketing

I bet that no one is reading this guide who does not know the term. Over the last few decades, digital marketing is a hot cake. Specifically, after the Covid 19 pandemic had hit the market, the craze for online marketing has augmented in leaps and bounds.

To become a freelance writing expert in the digital marketing niche, you must possess more than writing skills. In essence, one should be aware of several digital marketing tools like Analytics, content marketing, Social media marketing, Adwords, and SEO tools.

Are you looking for some best platforms where you can get digital marketing writing

  • Fiver,
  • Upwork,
  • and Freelancer.com

These are some sites to kickstart your career in this particular freelance writing niche.

2. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a high-trending topic nowadays. After its legalization in several nations, it has become one of the most demanding subjects. To be very precise, cryptocurrency writers need some specific knowledge as it is much more than mere finance.

If you find this niche exciting, then money will be showering on you. It is because cryptocurrency writers are scarce in the market; that is why you can simply charge a the higher amount for them.

As per industry reports, the median monthly salary of a Cryptocurrency writer is $1000-3000 per month. However, make sure that whatever work you are delivering is of high quality and well-researched.

3. White Paper Writing

Providing white paper with marketing emails will bring you closer to the most prosperous leads in the industry.

It is a great offer to make your email list incentivized. You can also offer free guides or books, thereby attracting prosperous leads and optimize their email lists. The rate per month for white paper writing is super high, around $6000 or even more at times.

4. Book Writing

Publishing a book is a big dream for many people. Many entrepreneurs, life coaches, and industry experts want to publish books on relevant topics in their names. What happens most of the time is they recruit ghostwriters to the book for them. In addition, many of them look for proofreaders to edit their writing pieces.

These jobs are genuinely well paid; however, it depends on one client to another. If you are a freelance writer, you can quickly provide this service; provided that the book’s topic suits your interest.

An experienced writer may earn up to $5000 per month by providing ghostwriting proofreading services. How fantastic is this!

5. Finance

It’s time to discuss one of the most critical and complicated niches of freelance Writing. Typically finance-related writing tasks require core analytical and mathematical skills. As a result, the payouts are lucrative in these cases.

Undoubtedly you can proceed to accept these tasks from your clients if you are fully confident about them.

6. Information Technology

IT is another subdomain in the freelance writing industry whose pay package is incredibly high. No matter what kind of IT-related writing tasks you undertake, you will always be paid more than in other fields. So if you have a sound knowledge of different aspects of information technology, you can embrace this field.


To summarize, finding the right career direction for yourself is undoubtedly a daunting task. Moreover, when it comesto freelancing, people get confused due to pay packages, task duration, the difficulty level of the job, etc.

Therefore, while looking for a permanent career in the freelance writing niche, play wisely and choose only those you have experience with. Got any doubts? Shoot in the comment section below; we are listening.

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