Even fifteen or twenty years ago, no one would have imagined that it was possible to buy groceries, mobile phones, computers, dresses, household appliances, and perhaps even pet dogs from online e-commerce stores. The world indeed had come a long way when the first book from today’s e-commerce giant Amazon was shipped in 1995. Today we have reached a stage where e-commerce and online shopping and selling have become quite common and perhaps even integral to our day-to-day activities. As we read this article, it is quite possible that hundreds of buying and selling might be happening on e-commerce platforms. The growth of e-commerce has been phenomenal over the past decade or so.
There are a few obvious reasons for this. Perhaps the most significant change is today’s customers’ changing mindsets and preferences. Time is also a constraint for millions of people, and e-commerce provides them with a convenient, reliable, safe, and efficient way to buy their products and services. The improved efficiency, speed, and connectivity of the internet are other contributory factors. Mobile telephony has also seen significant changes by using IOT Software development services in India. Today the whole world is virtually in the palms of the hands of billions of people worldwide. While all these are positive factors as far as e-commerce is concerned, there are some doubts in the minds of many of us. We often are faced with the question of e-commerce saturated. This doubt is reasonably justified for those who perhaps are unaware of the essential facts and figures related to e-commerce, particularly about ecommerce saturation. Let us explore the question of e-commerce saturation a bit more in detail so that our readers can find out more about the various aspects of ecommerce saturation.
We Are Far Away From Saturation
Though it is a fact that e-commerce has been registering a scorching pace over the past decade or so, the brick and mortar stores continue to hold a significant portion of the overall online buying and selling. Even in a relatively advanced country like the UAE, a significant portion of the population, especially those above the age of fifty, are comfortable with the touch, feel and see the type of marketing regarding products and services. Therefore the question of ecommerce saturation does not arise in this section of the population. The question is whether e-commerce saturated hardly makes sense to them. Suppose this is the case with a relatively developed country like the UAE. In that case, one can easily imagine the penetration of e-commerce in many lesser developed nations of Asia, South America, and perhaps even some parts of Europe. Therefore, saturated e-commerce is still a non-existent situation for around fifty to sixty percent of the population across the world.
The New World Post-Covid-19
For those who talk about the doomsday for e-commerce and sing songs about saturated e-commerce, the pandemic called Covid-19 has been a big wake-up call in more ways than one. Even older adults above fifty who have always believed in touch and feel marketing are left with no other option but to move to an e-commerce world because of obvious reasons of safety. Therefore, e-commerce saturation in UAE is still years or perhaps decades away. The health of the average consumer is today of paramount importance, and there is no doubt e-commerce has come to them as a blessing.
A Few Other Reasons Why No Is the Answer
The above two points would certainly have given the readers many reasons to believe that saturated e-commerce is just a talk and the reality lies elsewhere. Here are a few more reasons why e-commerce will continue to grow at an impressive pace over the next few decades.
Reality Shopping
Before doubting e-commerce saturation in UAE, we need to learn more about virtual reality. This is perhaps going to be an amazing and unique experience. It will allow thousands of online buyers to hold a product in their hands. This will help them to make an online shopping decisions much better, especially those who are used to touch and feel buying. It could be your favorite smartphone, desktop, or dresses and consumable items. Though this might look like a distant dream, it is evident that this reality alone will push e-commerce saturation in UAE over a few decades.
E-commerce could lead to Improved Shipping and Distribution
Today many people talk about ecommerce saturated situations because there are quite a few instances of delayed shipment and other such problems. Serious e-commerce players in UAE are putting quite a few things together to ensure a marked improvement in shipping and distribution. If this happens, transit delays, inefficient inventory management, and poor logistics will be a thing of the past. This will address the doubts of ecommerce saturated minds quite adequately.
Physical Stores Are Fighting a Losing Battle
Though a significant portion of buying and selling in UAE continues to happen through brick-and-mortar stores, it will not remain that way for too long. The sheer advantages and benefits associated with e-commerce will gradually push even ecommerce saturated negative minds to mobile phones, laptops, and desktops when it comes to buying their products and services. As mentioned earlier, time is a precious commodity. Not many people would like to drive to supermarkets or malls and spend hours together buying their daily requirements of various commodities. Further, the pandemic called Covid-19 may have permanently changed people’s mindsets.
They are not likely to risk their and their family’s health when everything can be ordered online and perhaps at a lower price. It is estimated that regular and online customers may save around 10 to 15% of their expenditure if they decide to move online instead of buying from brick-and-mortar stores.
We hope we have been able to adequately inform our readers and other interested persons about the bright future for e-commerce businesses—a combination of improved technology.

Hi, there my names is Harry and I am a blogger. I publish the unbiased and fair reviews of products.