The longest academic writing assignment that students must complete is a dissertation (TWH, 2022). It can be difficult to write (and defend) a thesis or dissertation. However, it may all be significantly less unpleasant with some proper planning and consistency. Even better, it may be rather gratifying.
Key Points To Remember When Writing a Psychology Dissertation
We have thought about 12 lessons for your dissertation help to learn for writing and defending your paper to finish properly.
1. Read other theses and dissertations.
It cannot be overstated how beneficial it is to scan other completed documents to acquire a sense of what constitutes a strong (and less strong) body of work. Additionally, you’ll discover various document organization techniques and division types. To see how other students have tackled your issue, methodology, and epistemology, look up relevant research.
2. Don’t underestimate the literature review.
When students enter graduate school, it is anticipated that they have a strong understanding of how to write a literature review. In contrast, many students, according to Boote and Beile (2005), have never truly been taught how to put together a critical synthesis of the literature. They stated that rather than simply providing summaries of the previously conducted research, students should instead learn to examine, synthesize, and assess the body of work. They go on to claim that this stage is essential to identifying significant research issues. To skip this step a lot of people seem to hire psychology dissertation help nowadays, hearing it is efficient.
Uncertain about where to begin with your review? Be kind to yourself; few faculty members, according to Boote and Beile (2005), have even accomplished the task. The book Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioural Sciences by Galvan and Galvan, published in 2017, is one resource I suggest you look into if you want to learn how to write a solid literature review.
3. Mindfully Cite.
Your supervisor can assist you in selecting a few important papers that are essential to mention in your paper, such as seminal works or the most recent advancements in your field. While it’s crucial to make sure you’re citing the most recent studies in your literature review (for example, those published within the last 10 years), it’s equally crucial to recognize the pioneering researchers who paved the way for your study. Your committee will anticipate that you will discuss competing viewpoints, so take care not to solely mention “supporting sources.” It will be stronger for your arguments if you carefully explain how your work purposefully diverges from these studies.
Women and authors of color are mentioned less frequently than men or white authors, as has been well-documented (Davis & Craven, 2016). In light of this, feminist anthropologists Davis and Craven (2016) suggested that “it is crucial to keep in mind that who we cite – and as important who we do not cite” influences our efforts in significant ways (p. 66). It becomes “our business to seek out, and incorporate, creative research from scholars whose work is typically disregarded due to structural injustices,” especially if you are conducting feminist or critical research (p. 67).
4. Avoid quoting other writers too frequently.
People used to frequently overquote. But eventually stopped this tendency after receiving enough criticism from enough different authorities. In addition to preventing, you from applying your critical thinking abilities, overusing direct quotations lowers your credibility as an analytical, creative researcher. Remember to paraphrase and reserve your direct quotes for the real “gems.”
5. Just keep in mind that editing is simpler than authoring.
Get your ideas down on paper without (at least initially) giving style or grammar much care. According to author Anne Lamott, the “primary barrier between you and a crappy first draught” is perfectionism (p. 27). And the majority of initial draughts are like that. However, after you’ve overcome the first significant obstacle, it’s simpler to take on the less arduous work of editing and fine-tuning.
6. Create your paper as though you were composing your defense.
Ask yourself why before making any choice, such as how many participants to use, your approach, or even your title. Even if you decide not to address these “whys” in your document, make a note of your responses and keep them handy for when it comes time to prepare for your defense. Later, you’ll appreciate it!
7. As you proceed, update your reference list.
Nothing is more annoying than forgetting the source of a particular reference or the page from which a quote was taken. Aside from that, your future self will thank you for keeping up with your references meticulously as you go.
8. Fight against procrastination.
Sadly, waiting to be motivated to work on your dissertation is usually a fruitless endeavor. Instead, setting out time to work each day will keep you on track and focused. For understanding and conquering procrastination, Princeton University has provided some helpful advice. A lot of people also prefer the Pomodoro technique and making sure that at least some of my work time is “unplugged.”
9. Throughout, make use of your epistemology.
Your epistemology shouldn’t just be something you mention briefly in your introduction before moving on. It is the crux of your inquiry; it is your comprehension of what constitutes truth. It should therefore influence all aspects of your work, including your methods, your style, and how you present yourself.
10. Maintain a research diary.
Make a list of all of your choices and “aha” moments. Keep track of the things that challenge you, amaze you, make you proud, and are something you wish you had done differently. When it comes to developing your topic or preparing for a conference presentation, you never know what might be relevant information.
11. Practicing your elevator pitch.
In three minutes or less, be able to explain your issue in simple terms. This activity is tremendously helpful for having a clear knowledge of your work.
12. With fresh eyes, proofread.
Each chapter or part should be finished with a draught before you leave it for a day or two (depending on the deadline) to give it a fresh look. Once you’ve finished the full document, repeat the process. To find those annoying errors, proofreading printed papers are frequently simpler than doing so for electronic counterparts.
Boote, D. N., & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-15. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X034006003
Davis, D., & Craven, C. (2016). Feminist ethnography: Thinking through methodologies, challenges, and possibilities. Rowman & Littlefield.
Galvan, J. L., & Galvan, M. (2017). Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences (Vol. 7). Taylor & Francis.
Lamott, A. (1995). Bird by bird: Some instructions on writing and life. Anchor.
TWH (2022). STEPS TO STRUCTURE A DISSERTATION. https://thesiswritinghelp.com.pk/steps-to-structure-a-dissertation