What is Acne Vulgaris?
Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin condition that is mainly influenced by inflammation in the body as it is directly proportional to the inflammation levels i.e., if the inflammation in the body increases so does the effects and intensity of acne vulgaris on the skin.
The condition is basically the development of a lot of acne on the skin, especially the skin of the face. Acne vulgaris are generally recorded more among the age group of 11-30 years and usually occur in adolescents and young adults. At a moment, about 9 % of the global; population is suffering from this skin condition, so we can put it like it is a normal part of growing up and almost every other person goes through it.
Cause: Why Does a Person Suffer From Acne Vulgaris?
The etiology of this is majorly influenced by genetics, hormones and environmental factors. We definitely can do nothing with genetic influences on our body but what we can control is hormones.
So, today we are going to discuss how our diet and nutrient intake affects the acne levels on our body and how the diet changes our hormonal balances and thus ultimately affects our skin health.
Impact: How diet and Nutrition Influence Acne Vulgaris in a Patient?
Role of Diet in the Pathogenesis of Acne Vulgaris
A report by researchers explained how diet can influence the hormones in a person’s body by putting the difference of diet between western and non- western countries as an example.
They explained people in western countries suffer more from acne and skin problems than Asian and other western countries. This is because of the huge differences in the diet intake of these regions. Western countries consume more refined carbohydrates, dairy products, chocolate, and saturated fats, processed and packed food, etc., and they also have low levels of long- chain omega-3 fatty acids intake in their diet. Omega-3 is a very needed and crucial nutrient for the healthy and glowy skin. These two factors affect the balance in the hormonal cycle in the people of these countries and lead to more inflammatory and altered metabolic cues in the body.
Foods like white bread, processed cereals, instant oatmeal, snack foods, potatoes, white rice, sugar, and fruit juice have high glycemic index. Over consumption of these foods also affects the hormone levels and elevates those involved in the pathogenesis of acne and can cause abnormalities in the gut microbiome.
Relation of Different Nutrients and Acne Vulgaris
Certain nutrients present as a major ingredient in some foods cause more acne and unhealthy skin, while some decrease acne and balances hormonal levels in the body. These nutrients are:-
- Whey Protein and Casein- If a person has a lot of dairy and dairy products included in their diet, then they also have a lot of whey protein and casein intake. Dairy is a healthy part of diet but if you have acne problems then it can cause them to elevate because of the increased IGF-1 levels, which can lead to hyperinsulinemia and exacerbation of acne lesions.
- Saccharides- These usually come from too much chocolate consumption that too dark chocolate. Saccharides cause insulin secretion and trigger signaling pathways that promote acne lesions. It also affects inflammatory cytokines, that increases inflammation in the body and thus the acne.
- Trans fatty acids- It majorly comes from packaged foods like crisps and from animal fats and hydrogenated plant fats. These fats can stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokine production thus leading to increased sebum production and dermal inflammation.
- Omega-3s- Omega 3 is an important need of the body and has a variety of benefits like good for heart health, reduced inflammation in the body, decreases dry skin and irritated skin issues, good for bone health, etc. So, a good diet with balanced omega 3 intake can help with better hormonal balance and cycle and thus better skin health and reduced acne and skin issues.
- Probiotics- Probiotics are important for gut health and its balanced intake and addition in diet could help with lots of body issues as it has lot of benefits like improved immune and heart health, Improving lactose intolerance, reduction in the severity of allergies, Weight management, decrease in the inflammation in the body, better skin health, etc.
Now, after changing diet plans and keeping in check what goes inside the body, a person will get rid of those stubborn acne but what leaves behind are the marks and scars left by them. These scars may take even more than a month or even won’t go away without any external help. What you need as a solution is acne scar treatment in dubai to not feel suffocated and have low self esteem because of those acne scars and marks and feel confident in your own skin.

Hi! I’m Akshay Sharma. I’m a blogger at LetsJumpToday & Imagination Waffle. You can contact me on Twitter and facebook.