Finding the best AngularJS development company can be challenging, especially when you’re operating on a limited budget. Here are some tips to help you find the right team to develop your product or service. While your final decision will ultimately depend on your own specific needs. You may find that these guidelines help you make an informed decision that’s right for you.
1) Know What You Are Looking For
Before you even start searching for a development partner. It’s important that you have a very clear idea of what kind of product or project you want to build. And what benefits it should offer your business. Is it going to be an eCommerce site? A mobile app? A set of forms? Are there features you need that aren’t available with off-the-shelf software, like integration with third-party services? Once you know what kind of partner your project needs, putting together your shortlist will be much easier. And remember – not all development agencies are create equal. You need a team that has proven experience building high-quality applications with modern technologies like AngularJS.
2) Ask for Recommendations
You can quickly find out which companies you should avoid and which ones you should talk to by asking for recommendations. Asking for an introduction or a recommendation can be tricky because it could appear that you’re looking for a sales pitch, so here are a few tips. Don’t ask for someone’s number directly. instead, ask if they know anyone who might be good at providing a recommendation.
For example, if you want recommendations about software development companies, tell your network that you’re looking for advice on what makes a great developer and any tips they might have. This way, when people hear your request (and most will), they won’t feel like you’re asking them to endorse one particular company.
3) Check Their Portfolio
A developer’s portfolio is a great way to see what type of work they do, whether or not they are able to complete it and how quickly they do it. Check their previous work, speak with references and ask for client referrals if you have time. You’ll learn more about them as a company by reviewing their past projects than you will by asking a series of interview questions. The proof is always in the pudding, right? Speaking of pudding… well, we won’t go there but that’s a good idea for another professional post.
Let us know if you need help on your next project and we’ll be happy to assist. The New Angle. We often say at Addicted2Success that our success lies in our passion for helping others succeed. Well, let us help you succeed on your next project! At Addicted2Success, we’ve spent over a decade learning everything we can about SEO/SEM services and web design so that you don’t have to.
Let us use our experience to help drive your business forward through search engine optimization and digital marketing consulting services. Our focus is on long-term results; with any luck (and lots of hard work) those results will include bringing even more business through your door each day!
Want to know more then click on it: What Is AngularJS & Why You Should Use AngularJS For Development?
4) Google Them
Not every developer is going to be listed on sites like Clutch and Upwork. And if they are, they might not have very many reviews. Before you hire someone, look them up! Review their LinkedIn profile, check out their GitHub (if applicable), read through some of their StackOverflow answers, and see what other developers are saying about them on places like Quora. Hiring a freelancer is risky enough; don’t make it worse by hiring an unknown entity that hasn’t been vetted by at least some of your peers or clients. Ask Around: If you work for a company or agency that has projects similar to yours, ask around for recommendations—or better yet, call up people who’ve worked with them before and ask about your developer’s performance.
5) Run a Background Check
When looking for a quality, reliable web development company for your next project, you don’t want to risk working with someone who doesn’t have a good reputation or has shady business practices. While some clients are savvy and do their own research into potential partners (if you aren’t one of them, don’t worry: there are other ways), many people simply look for companies that have been highly recommended by others. That’s where online reviews come in: reading what other people have had to say about an organization can help you get an idea of whether or not they offer high-quality work. But how do you know what is actually trustworthy and helpful?
6) Do a Code Sample Review
Most developers will be willing (if not eager) to share samples of their work. This allows you to see different aspects of their development process, as well as explore what they consider good and bad code. Are they doing TDD? Do they use a BDD framework? Which build tools do they use? How do they structure their folders and files? Get samples from multiple candidates and compare them side-by-side. It may surprise you which developer’s approach is more aligned with your own philosophy.
7) Brainstorm with Them
If you’re looking for an AngularJS development firm, reach out and have a discussion with some companies you’re interested in. If possible, have a conversation before requesting proposals. By speaking directly with them, you can better assess whether they have what it takes to do your project right. It also saves time because you won’t be wasting time making requests that aren’t responded to or ones that don’t fit your budget or timeline. You’ll get quick feedback on whether they think they can handle your job, too. It’s also critical when talking with web design companies to ask about their development process: how long does it take from discovery through implementation? Do they develop front-end and back-end together?
8) Get Guarantees and Testimonials
Beyond working with a development firm for a previous project, it’s good practice to get testimonials from previous clients. Ask them about their experience and what kind of benefits they received from their relationship. This can help you better determine if they will be a good fit for your project or not. If they are unable or unwilling to provide testimonials, find someone else who will be willing and able to do so. Don’t work with a company that won’t put its best foot forward. Get written guarantees on all aspects of their service before starting any projects—especially when dealing with foreign companies that may have different expectations about legal protection than you do. In some cases, even domestic companies may not understand how laws work in your area and how their guarantees might apply there; it never hurts to clarify things up front. It’s always a good idea to get everything on paper! When you start working with an AngularJS development company, make sure that everyone is clear on exactly what they’re responsible for doing and what parts of your business they’re allowed to touch while working on your project together.
9) Meet the Team
A great development team is worth its weight in gold, so you want a development partner that fits well with your organization. Look for members of teams that have worked together for a long time and communicate well. If possible, meet your potential development partners face-to-face and ask them questions about how they work.
What they do and don’t do, how they solve problems when faced with unforeseen challenges, and more. You should walk away feeling like your developers will treat you as their most valued client—even if you aren’t paying them millions of dollars.