Improve Your Marketing With “Old School” Tricks

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Improve Your Marketing With “Old School” Tricks

Old-school tricks are nowhere near being outdated. Keep in mind that people still value the personal touch, they love the preferential treatment and offline interactions can provide both of these things. Offline marketing can also boost the online presence of your business in several ways. Finally, even in this day and age, not everyone is online. So, a way to interact with people in an analog environment might help you cover more ground. Here are six ways in which these old-school tricks can help you grow your marketing even in a digital era.

1.      Flyers

The best thing about using flyers to promote your business is the fact that they’re informative, inexpensive (cost-per-unit), and can be easily integrated with your digital marketing. For instance, you could add an URL, a QR code or social media handles towards various contests and offers online. Second, flyers and brochures are a great opportunity for you to recycle content. You see, a flyer can be turned into an infographic in a similar way in which an infographic can be turned into a flyer. This way, you get to use one topic to create two pieces of content.

2.      Branded items

The rule of seven claims that to be a paying customer your audience needs to interact with your business on seven separate occasions. Having a customized mug with a logo of your business on their desk will ensure that you’re always in front of their eyes. Another thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that this gives you a unique way of providing value for your audience. Namely, when you give them a branded mug, USB drive, or a t-shirt, this is something that they’ll use. Also, promotional t-shirts and umbrellas are something that people carry around, which will spread your brand recognition quite effectively.

3.      Signs

Posting signs everywhere is the analog equivalent of SEO. Why? Well, because it increases the overall visibility of your brand. So, what are your options? First, you have hand-held signs and billboards. Other than this, you have a bit more innovative choices like pull-up banners. Not only do these provide you with some extra exposure, but they also make you look more professional. They make your headquarters appear more official. Some companies brand all of their vehicles so that they can spread the word. In a way, this transforms your fleet into moving billboards.

4.      Guerilla marketing

By using street art to promote your business, you will create a double-fold advantage for your business. First, you’ll create a scenario where your brand appears to be innovative and ‘different than others’. Second, you get a chance to appear on social media and increase the odds that people will share your work. If they know that it’s your brand, chances are that they’ll tag you or add a hashtag, which will make it easier for others to find you. In a way, this will ensure that your overall branding activity on social networks is significantly increased.

5.      Loyalty cards

Loyalty cards give a clear financial incentive for your audience to come back. Previously, we’ve talked about providing value for your customers and this is probably the most direct way to do so. By awarding people points that they can redeem in your store, you’re giving them a strong incentive to come back. This way, you’re creating return customers. According to one survey, just 8% of your return customers are generating 40% of your entire profit. Even with a discount that they get through the loyalty program, you’re bound to generate a significant amount of profit.

6.      Networking

Talking to people in the business world is one of the best ways to establish your position there. It is a great way to make contacts, open up new business opportunities, and expand your options. Keep in mind that even people from your industry don’t have to be seen as direct competitors. Still, even making friends with direct competitors has its uses. If they receive an order that they can’t finish on their own, they might outsource the part of the job, recommend you, or even collaborate with you on the project. Making friends is always a good thing.

In conclusion

There are so many ways in which the use of old-school marketing can turn out to be beneficial for your enterprise. All you have to do is find the right way to integrate it into your overall marketing campaign and there you have it. Keep in mind that all of these tricks are simple, intuitive, and versatile, which means that the integration shouldn’t come as too difficult. Overall, it benefits you to diversify your outreach options. Combining old-school and digital marketing techniques is one of the best ways to expand your options and increase your odds in the business world.

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