Can you name the second-leading cause of accidental death and disability after car accidents?
That’s right, it’s the incredibly common slip and fall accident. These accidents account for 30% of all documented injuries and lead to 540,000 hospital visits every year!
Were you or a loved one injured in a slip and fall accident? Here are four steps you need to take immediately.
1. Get Medical Attention
Depending on the extent of your injury, this is either your first or your fourth step. We’re listing it first because your health is the most important consideration!
If you suspect you might have a broken bone, a concussion, a sprained joint, or another severe injury, call an ambulance or have someone take you to the nearest hospital. If you’re too injured to get up or reach for your cell phone, yell for help!
If you don’t require immediate care, follow the following three steps first and get yourself checked out by a doctor.
2. Alert the Property Owner
Your next step is to notify the owner of the business about what happened. They’ll need to fill out an accident report to document the incident. Be sure to request a copy of the information, as you’ll need that later to build your case.
It’s also not a bad idea to call the police and have them come by too. They’ll write their report about your accident, which could be another ace in your pocket.
What if you’re whisked away to the hospital before you can get copies of these documents? Return to the business after your discharge and request them then.
3. Gather Evidence & Talk to Eyewitnesses
Were there other people around who saw what happened? Get their full name and contact information in case you (or your lawyer) needs to contact them at a later date.
You’ll also want to pull out your phone and take pictures and videos of the accident scene. Was there a puddle of water, a broken kerb, or another factor that caused you to fall? Document the evidence immediately before the property owner has a chance to clean it up.
4. Contact an Accident Lawyer
Hiring an accident attorney may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but you have compelling reasons to do so. Some injuries aren’t apparent right away, which could leave you in serious trouble if you sign a release too soon.
It’s also common for insurance companies to refute or deny slip and fall claims, primarily if your accident occurred on a property owned by a major corporation. You’ll want an experienced accident lawyer on your side to help you navigate these legal waters.
Look for an attorney in your locale who specializes in injury law. For example, when in the area around Spokane, you could contact Sweet Lawyers.
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident
It’s normal to feel frazzled after a slip and fall accident, significantly if you’re injured. But the steps you take immediately afterwards are crucial to your recovery and your case.
Don’t delay, be sure to follow the advice above about what to do after an accident!
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Abdul Qadeer is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website, or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development, etc.
Thanks for these helpful tips.
Thanks for the informative tips.